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Milwaukee-area movie theaters not showing "My Friend Dahmer"

Posted 5:50 PM, Nov 25, 2017
and last updated 6:29 PM, Nov 25, 2017

MILWAUKEE -- A local movie theater chain is pulling a film from its theaters in the Milwaukee area because of its tie to one of the most painful chapters in the city's history.

It's called "My Friend Dahmer."

The "Times Cinema" on Milwaukee's west side is the only theater in town showing the film. 

"We are trying to kind of go for edgier content here." said Mark Strube, who books films for the Neighborhood Theater Group.

Marcus Theaters was scheduled to show it but changed their mind, pulling it from any Milwaukee-area theaters.

Marcus Theaters released this statement:
"'My Friend Dahmer' is a limited release movie that Marcus Theatres chose not to play in the Milwaukee market. We are a family-friendly environment, and there are lots of great movies out this holiday season. We did not feel it was necessary to revisit this time in Milwaukee's history."

Some critics said Dahmer is portrayed as a sympathetic figure in the film. Others called it a true to the story of his life. 

Dahmer raped, murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys in the 1970's and 80's.

"It depicts bullying and a broken family life and it shows part of what created Jeffrey Dahmer," said Strube

People waiting to see the movie said there is a fascination in understanding how someone becomes a serial killer.

"I wasn't born but I did read the official FBI documents on the case," said film goer Martin Chikos.

"I think anyone in Milwaukee would be interested to see it. I know most of it are fascinated by it. The fact that we lived in the area that he lived in," said film goer Megan Hammerer.

The Times Cinema will run "My Friend Dahmer" through November 30.